Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gocco Success! HOORAY

Wow. What a highly thrilling moment!
Apparently the problems I was having burning a good screen was a mixture of moisture in the paper, and excess carbon. This was collectively solved by ironing the photocopy (regular iron with no steam) covered with a sheet of baking paper to remove excess carbon. Simple as that. I had two dud prints at the start and I was off to the races. Apologies for ordinary photos with this post. I struggle to get things right with the light in my studio...

I'd read that it was important to be liberal with ink...and I was!

It was SO TRUE about being liberal with ink. I printed about 100 of these without even the slightest hint I was running out of ink.

I ran out of SPACE to put the prints before running out of ink! Guess those Gocco card drying racks might have been a good investment after all! I spent a bit of time worrying about my cat coming to investigate when the tables in my studio looked like this!

What an awesome little unit. I'm so glad I didn't flog it off on ebay when I had ordinary results last year. Want to know more about gocco? Read about it here or there!


christi said...

Hello friend indeed...! Oh my, what an awesome time to check out your blog which I clearly do way too infrequently... but I found myself at DRESSEW and Finch's Cafe earlier, thinking of you and how much i want to come see you. What are the chances there would be a post as fresh and wonderful as this waiting for me when I got home, like a peach. Dude, these are just plain sweet. Congratulations on your Gocco Success. Beautiful! More please.

Anonymous said...

You have given me hope! Started out ok with the Gocco, but on new designs have lost six screens to the same carbon sticking issues - ready to go again seeing your great results and tips. Thanks!!!